The Formality Dimension of the CultureWizard Intercultural Model® examines a society’s rules around how people show respect in everyday interactions, and how this informs relationships between people. It is crucial for businesspeople to be aware of Formality-related cross-cultural differences, so they can avoid offending others by presuming too much or too little Formality. The Formality Dimension ranges from very Formal to very Informal, delineating the significance of protocol and etiquette, appropriate use of titles, surnames and honorifics, and expectations surrounding meeting people, building relationships and entertaining.

A story from my parents’ engagement party makes Formality’s cross-cultural differences very clear.

My grandparents on the French side are very, very traditional. My grandparents on the American side – not so much. I grew up in a very liberal household in California, but there was always an infusion of Formal expectations from the French side of the family. My parents’ engagement party was a “black tie” event hosted at the request of my very Formal French grandparents, who gave their son-in-law to be (my father) a pair of expensive gold cufflinks. This was meant as a token of my grandparents’ enthusiasm about the upcoming marriage.

My American grandmother, who had not anticipated such a Formal exchange, did not have a gift prepared. She pulled her son aside, eager to find a way of “saving face.” He agreed to let her abscond with what was actually his Christmas gift to my mother, a pair of emerald stud earrings, so that she could present the bride with a reciprocal gesture. Crisis averted.

In French culture, and particularly because my grandparents are so old-fashioned, the Formality of celebrating an engagement was obvious. For the very Informal Americans in my family, these Formal expectations were often confounding. Luckily, both families are aware of – and typically remain flexible – in the face of their cross-cultural differences.

Here are two sets of signposts to help improve your cross-cultural awareness in the Formality Dimension. You’ll learn how to recognize the behaviors of Formal and Informal cultures, and have the chance to take a cross-cultural awareness quiz to test your learning.

Signs of Formal Culture:

  1. People dress more elegantly to show status.
  2. Titles and honorifics are common, especially in a business setting.
  3. People adjust their body language to show deference or respect (ergoeye contact, posture, etc.).
  4. Language uses formal and informal versions of “you.”
  5. Protocol and etiquette are important parts of social and business interactions, such as ensuring that the most senior person enters a room first.
  6. Written communication is highly structured or formalized.
  7. Business cards are an indicator of status, and a ceremonial exchange of business cards can be important to making a good impression.
  8. People find it inappropriate or uncomfortable to discuss private matters at work.
  9. Business networking at social events is considered unprofessional.

 Signs of an Informal Culture:

  1. People dress more for comfort, and style is often a mode of self-expression.
  2. Titles and honorifics are uncommon, only used in more formal situations.
  3. People are quick to move to a first-name basis.
  4. People do not sit in specified positions in a room or enter in rank order.
  5. Written communication emphasizes efficiency rather than formality.
  6. Social conversation in a work setting is common.
  7. People expand their network and discuss business at social gatherings.
  8. Exchanging business cards is a pragmatic custom rather than a ceremonial practice.

Cross-Cultural Awareness Quiz: Formal versus Informal Cultures

Now that you’re aware of the signs that differ most across Formal and Informal cultures, take the “You know you’re in an Informal culture if …” quiz. Simply note the numbers of the statements that indicate an Informal culture, and then scroll down to see the answer key below (correct answers are in boldface).

You Know You’re in An Informal Culture If…

  1. People consistently adhere to precise, deliberate ways of interacting.  
  2. Co-workers complain there are too many rules governing workplace interactions.
  3. Colleagues take pride in a unique, individualized work style. 
  4. People often boast about their material possessions.
  5. Senior executives sit not in private offices, but in an open office with others.
  6. Professionals invest time and effort into the way they introduce and establish credibility for themselves and others. 
  7. You discover many unwritten or invisible rules of engagement.
  8. People unceremoniously hand their business cards to another person, or forget to bring them to a business function.










Answer Key: You Know You’re in An Informal Culture If…

1. People consistently adhere to precise, deliberate ways of interacting.  

2. Co-workers complain there are too many rules governing workplace interactions.

3. Colleagues take pride in a unique, individualized work style. 

4. People often boast about their material possessions.

5. Senior executives sit not in private offices, but in an open office with others.

6. Professionals invest time and effort into the way they introduce and establish credibility for themselves and others. 

7. You discover many unwritten or invisible rules of engagement.

8. People unceremoniously hand their business cards to another person, or forget to bring them to a business function.

To further improve your awareness of cross-cultural dynamics in the Formality Dimension, read our detailed blog post, The Formality Dimension: How To Avoid Intercultural Communication Missteps That Damage Business Relationships.