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LOOK: Behavioral economist Dan Ariely explains, in an eye-opening (guilt-inducing), eleven minute animation, why fundamentally good and ethical people come to cheat and what we all can do to curb the little cheater that exists in all of us. Apparently, the “problem” is not that big cheaters undermine the world but instead it is the cumulative effect of lots of good people doing a little bit of cheating.

LISTEN: Does this sound familiar: You’re talking with your coworker, friend, or family member and you suddenly realize that they’re not paying attention to you. Instead, they’re engaged with their mobile phone or tablet! Wondering where our obsession with screens and the disconnection with humans is all headed? Listen to this recent TED Radio Hour on our virtual future.

READ: Unfamiliar with bringing work to an immediate halt for tea and biscuits? Wondering how “That’s quite good,” can actually mean rather poor, or how to handle private phone calls in an open-plan workplace? Well look no further! BBC Capital has done us the favor of explaining these and other idiosyncrasies of the “Brits at Work” in this fun little piece on UK workplace behavior.

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